Details soon
*Sports vouchers
The sports voucher is administered by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing and provides an opportunity for primary school-aged children from reception to year 9 to receive up to $100 discount on sports membership/registration fees. The aim is to increase the number of children playing organised sport by reducing costs as a barrier to participate. All SA primary school aged children are entitled to one (1) voucher per year.
* Playing kits are provided by Gawler Eagles FC. Fees cover the whole season. Unlike some other clubs there are no hidden additional fees, match day fees or extra charges for playing kits.
* Players and volunteers are covered under the FFA National Insurance Programme. Players MUST be registered with FSA via Gawler Eagles FC to play and be covered by insurance. To read more about what is covered click here.
* Fees also contribute to umpire costs, sport equipment, coaching courses and the general administration (such as rates, insurance, utilities and maintenance) of Gawler Eagles FC.
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